S4 Product Update (Winter 2021)

Accelerate development with a purpose-built, full-spectrum security scanner for Salesforce

New S4 features in 2021: Jira Connector, S4 Dashboard, and SCA 2.0 for Salesforce.

While S4 for Salesforce came a long way in 2020, we remain committed to unmatched leadership in DevSecOps for Salesforce with ongoing innovation. In 2021, we’re introducing new capabilities designed to further enhance vulnerability detection and accelerate development:

  • S4 Jira Connector makes DevSecOps for Salesforce a reality!  Jira users can easily upgrade from the traditional software development lifecycle (SDLC) process to a modern secure development lifecycle (SDL) in minutes with S4.

  • The S4 Dashboard now includes an easy to read graph showing real-time risk levels across multiple Salesforce Orgs.  It’s easy to know where you stand and how you are progressing over time.

  • SCA 2.0 – Software Composition Analysis for SaaS is the first of its kind.  Our customers will have the fastest & most accurate 3rd-party software library reporting available.  S4 uniquely scans both bundled and dynamically-referenced software packages. Whether the library is stored in your org or accessed remotely, S4 now has your Salesforce covered!

We hope you’re as excited as we are about accelerating development and enhancing security in 2021!  Here’s to a new level of trust!  Full speed ahead!

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DigitSec brings four scans to protect Salesforce: Source Code Analysis, Custom Runtime Testing, Software Composition Analysis, & Cloud Security Configuration Review. #DevOps

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