
VS Code, IntelliJ, Jira, Jenkins, Azure DevOps, GitHub, Gitlab, Bitbucket, Copado

CI/CD Pipeline Integration: Copado, Jenkins

The tools you use in your Continuous Integration/Continuous Development (CI/CD) cycle play a vital role in making sure your new builds load into your environment properly. Add DigitSec into the mix by using our integrations to block builds that miss security gate requirements or to generate a vulnerability report with each build.

Project Management Integration: Jira

Agile friendly, DigitSec allows teams to bring its security findings and remediation suggestions directly into their scrums and sprints. Our vulnerability findings can flow directly to Jira and back to DigitSec, allowing both systems to track status changes and notes made in either. Security issues are automatically loaded into your project backlog for tracking and resolution without additional steps or duplication of effort.

Integrated Developer Environments (IDE): VS Code / IntelliJ

For developers that are focused on writing code to keep pace with their organization’s needs, they can integrate DigitSec directly into their favorite Integrated Development Environment. DigitSec can run SAST and SCA scans on-demand, before they make a commit back to their team repository. We also have utilities that allow you to call our API directly from the command line, so if you aren’t using VS Code or IntelliJ, we still have you covered.

VS Code developers can also check the Extensions Marketplace to find the DigitSec extension. Now, developers can submit a single file or an entire project for scanning directly from their IDE and have Vulnerability Findings populate to the Problems and Output tabs.

Code Repository: GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket or Azure DevOps

Developers can scan PR code from their favorite code repositories like GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket or Azure DevOps. DigitSec fits into your team’s workflow as code development is managed from Pull Request, to Merge, to Testing and to Push to Production.

SARIF support for GitHub repositories means that your developers can now run scans on source and PR branches at the same time to compare vulnerabilities. Help developer remediate existing vulnerabilities and to avoid introducing new ones prior to a commit.

DevOps Platform:


IAM & SSO: OneLogin, Okta, Google, SAML, Azure AD

Wrap your existing authentication controls around DigitSec by using our integrations with popular IAM and SSO providers. You can give your entire team access to the power of DigitSec quickly and easily. Be a hero & don’t require your team to remember another password or risk getting phished.

Administrators can also enable Two Factor Authentication integrated with Email for even greater security.

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