Digitsec Demo Jam at Copado Community Day 2023

Copado DevOps Exchange is the premier marketplace where Copado users go to find solutions for their specific challenges. When it comes to security scanning for Salesforce, DigitSec is the go-to partner for Copado that directly integrates into the platform. 

As part of Copado’s Community Day 2023, DigitSec’s VP of Customer Success, Phil Lepanto presented a look into

  • How DigitSec integrates directly into the Copado Console
  • A successful scan, the results, and how they’re shown within Copado
  • The magic and secret sauce that makes DigitSec the right choice for Salesforce securing scanning.

Watch the full demo jam above and see the DigitSec and Copado integration in action.

Picture of Andy Montoya

Andy Montoya


DigitSec brings four scans to protect Salesforce: Source Code Analysis, Custom Runtime Testing, Software Composition Analysis, & Cloud Security Configuration Review. #DevOps

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