eWeek Review: DigitSec Accelerates Salesforce Security & Redefines DevSecOps

Salesforce customizations create vulnerabilities. DigitSec brings much needed security to the platform.

DigitSec was recently reviewed by eWeek, a trusted source for everything tech. The review confirms that DigitSec “brings much needed security to Salesforce” and accelerates security by “help[ing] to redefine how DevSecOps can work efficiently in CI/CD pipelines by automating what were once difficult manual tasks.”

The in-depth review sets the stage where there’s a disconnect between Salesforce security and the “ability to create custom code.” DigitSec offers a solution to this custom development issue with it’s application security testing.

The reviewer gets hands-on with our tool and describes how each of the tool’s four different scans helps “create secure code for custom Salesforce development.” There’s also compliance reporting which the reviewer says can surface security bugs that affect compliance requirements.

In conclusion, DigitSec is stated to “reduce burdens on developers of Salesforce applications and helps to give them peace of mind that they are delivering secure applications that follow the best practices of cybersecurity.”

Picture of Andy Montoya

Andy Montoya


DigitSec brings four scans to protect Salesforce: Source Code Analysis, Custom Runtime Testing, Software Composition Analysis, & Cloud Security Configuration Review. #DevOps

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